Tailoring content strategies for different traveller segments

Travellers in a plane

Today’s travellers are more discerning than ever, always on the hunt for personalised experiences that cater to their unique preferences. To effectively target and engage with these diverse traveller segments, tourism suppliers now need to adopt tailored content strategies more than ever.

Segmentation has long been a cornerstone of effective marketing. By dividing the market into distinct segments based on various criteria, including characteristics and behaviours, businesses can better meet the needs and preferences of different customer groups.

While traditional methods like geographical and demographic segmentation are still widely used in the tourism industry, the most successful marketers know they now need to integrate multiple segmentation methods. For example, older travellers in South America and Northern Europe may share demographic similarities, but will have vastly different preferences.

Key segmentation types

  • Geographical segmentation remains a staple in the hospitality industry, enabling businesses to target customers based on their location. Take, for instance, a luxury hotel chain promoting its properties in Italy. A content marketer might A/B test different messages for customers in China versus those in Germany. Chinese travellers might be drawn to cultural experiences and shopping opportunities, while German travellers may prefer exploring the surrounding nature and scenic landscapes.
  • Demographic segmentation involves categorising customers based on factors such as age, gender, income, and family size. This approach helps businesses tailor their marketing efforts to address the specific needs and preferences of different demographic groups.
  • Purpose of trip segmentation divides customers into categories based on their reason for travelling, such as leisure or business. Understanding the distinct motivations of different traveller segments allows businesses to develop targeted marketing campaigns that really resonate with their audience.
  • Product segmentation focuses on the specific products or services offered by businesses. For example, hotels may offer various room categories to appeal to budget-conscious travellers, luxury seekers, or families.

CRM content

Businesses are increasingly turning to CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems to better understand and engage with their customers. CRM allows businesses to collect and analyse customer data, segment their clientele based on various criteria, and personalise their marketing efforts accordingly.

One of the key benefits of CRM is its ability to enhance customer engagement through targeted content marketing. By segmenting the customer base and tailoring content strategies to specific segments, businesses can deliver more relevant and personalised content experiences to their audience.

For example, a hotel chain may use CRM data to identify customers who have previously stayed at their properties and adapt their email marketing campaigns to offer them personalised recommendations and special promotions. Similarly, a cruise operator may use CRM data to segment their customer base by their home country, consumption habits, and age, allowing them to tailor their email newsletters and content offers more effectively.

When it comes to successfully modifying content strategies, it’s essential to understand the characteristics, motivations, and travel habits of different traveller segments. Let’s explore some key segments and their unique characteristics:


Segmentation Method Method/Characteristics Examples
Geographical Location Local residents,
International travellers
Demographic Age, Gender, Income Millennials, Families,
Baby Boomers
Purpose of Trip Business, Leisure Corporate travellers,
Adventure seekers
Product Service Offering Budget hotels, Luxury resorts,
Adventure tours



Diverse traveller segments and content

Now that we’ve understood the importance of both segmentation and CRM personalisation, it’s time to focus on the various traveller groups and look at a range of different content strategies to suit each one. In order to effectively communicate with diverse traveller segments, it’s important to ensure content strategies are as tailored as possible – a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t have the same impact. Let’s take a look at how to create tailored content for some key traveller segments:

Luxury travellers and content strategies

Luxury travellers are characterised by their high spending power. They seek exclusive experiences, personalised service, and luxury amenities. They want unique, authentic, and challenging experiences that add novelty and purpose to their lives, and tend to value nature alongside luxury accommodations.

Additionally, luxury travellers are increasingly demanding sustainability in their travel choices. According to Agoda, nearly 40% of travellers are willing to pay extra for sustainable resorts, and Booking.com’s Sustainable Travel Report 2021 indicates that 81% of travellers are seeking sustainable accommodations.
Cultural heritage can also influence luxury consumption. For example, materialistic achievement and the desire for comfort, convenience, and social status are prominent in Chinese culture, thereby affecting luxury travel behaviours. This highlights the importance of using various segmentation methods to cater to the diverse preferences of these travellers.

Content examples for luxury travellers:

  • Curated luxury travel guides highlighting exclusive experiences and destinations.
  • Behind-the-scenes articles about luxury hotels, resorts, and private villas.
  • Influencer or expert-written luxury lifestyle content featuring fashion, gourmet dining, and cultural experiences.
  • Blogs highlighting luxury accommodations and destinations that prioritise sustainability initiatives or community-driven tourism projects.


Luxury traveller at pool by seaside

Solo travellers and content strategies

Solo travellers are a growing segment in the tourism industry, characterised by their independence, adventurous spirit, and desire for self-discovery. Motivated by freedom, exploration, and personal growth, they seek authentic experiences, cultural immersion, and meaningful connections with locals and fellow travellers. According to Klook, solo travellers span various demographics, with no age, nationality, or gender restrictions. Therefore, overlapping segmentation data, including solo and age-specific data, is essential when creating content for this group.

Content examples for solo travellers:

  • Solo travel guides offering practical tips, safety advice, and destination recommendations.
  • Inspiring solo travel stories and testimonials from experienced solo travellers.
  • Resources and tips for solo travellers to prioritise their physical and mental well-being while travelling alone.
  • Virtual meetups and online communities for solo travellers to connect and share experiences.
  • Solo travel itineraries and packages tailored to their interests and preferences.

Family travellers and content strategies

Family travellers represent a significant segment in the leisure travel market, characterised by their diverse needs, preferences, and travel behaviours. Motivated by family bonding, relaxation, and creating lasting memories, they seek family-friendly accommodations, activities, and destinations. According to Hotels.com, families prioritise affordability in vacation planning and look for deals and discounts to enhance the value of their trips.

Content examples for family travellers:

  • Family travel guides featuring kid-friendly destinations, attractions, and accommodations.
  • Family travel tips and hacks for stress-free travel with children.
  • Family-friendly destination reviews and recommendations from fellow parents.
  • Family travel blogs and vlogs showcasing real-life family travel experiences.
  • Downloadable activity kits or printable resources designed to keep kids engaged and entertained during travel downtime.


Family travellers at Golden Gate

Gen Z travellers and content strategies

Gen Z travellers are characterised by their digital savvy, social consciousness, and desire for authentic experiences. Motivated by self-expression, social connection, and adventure, they seek immersive experiences, off-the-beaten-path destinations, and meaningful interactions with locals and fellow travellers. This group values continuous and instant internet access, and environments like busy city streets or crowded markets can enhance their travel experiences.

Content examples for Gen Z travellers:

  • Gen Z travel guides featuring offbeat destinations, hidden gems, and local experiences.
  • Influencer collaborations showcasing authentic travel experiences and cultural immersion.
  • Content focused on socially conscious travel initiatives and responsible tourism practices, such as eco-friendly accommodations and voluntourism opportunities.
  • Interactive travel apps and platforms offering personalised recommendations and trip planning tools.

Older travellers and content strategies

Older travellers represent a diverse segment with varied interests, preferences, and travel behaviours. Motivated by relaxation, exploration, and cultural enrichment, they seek comfort, convenience, and memorable experiences. This demographic is heterogeneous; some are drawn to adventure and off-the-beaten-path destinations, while others prefer leisurely-paced activities and cultural immersion. Focusing on the accessibility, safety, and security of destinations and activities can address the concerns of this older demographic.

Content examples for older travellers:

  • Comprehensive guides to destinations known for their accessibility, safety measures, and senior-friendly activities.
  • Health and wellness tips for older travellers, including travel safety, mobility aids, and medical assistance.
  • Senior travel blogs and forums offering travel advice, recommendations, and insights from fellow seniors.
  • Content showcasing cultural experiences tailored to older travellers, such as cooking classes, historical walking tours, and art workshops.

Catering to travellers’ preferences with advanced personalisation

Tailoring content strategies to evolving traveller segments is essential for businesses looking to succeed in today’s competitive tourism landscape. Travel experiences are multifaceted, and different individuals can view the same destination differently based on various factors, such as cultural backgrounds and personal preferences.

It’s also important to note that travel experiences are deeply personal and influenced by tourists’ moods and feelings. This poses a challenge for businesses, who need to ensure positive experiences by understanding and catering to travellers’ emotional needs.

By using these key segmentation strategies and incorporating advanced personalisation methods, such as AI-based behavioural recommendations, travel marketers can leverage important insights and develop personalised content experiences that resonate with their audience and drive engagement and loyalty.

Recommended reading: Top four drivers for customer loyalty in the travel industry

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